Victory Over Death
I Corinthians 15:54 |
by David A. DePra |
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and |
this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought |
to pass the saying that is written, "Death is swallowed up in |
victory." (I Cor. 15-54) |
Death is the great enemy of the human race. And not just |
the physical death which awaits all of us. Death is more than |
just a physical destiny. It is a spiritual condition. All who are |
born in Adam are born spiritually dead. Such are the |
consequences of the original sin. |
Most of us probably don't grasp the degree to which death |
governs our lives. That's because we are so used to death we |
think it's normal. We have little or no point of reference for |
anything else. But everything natural man thinks, feels, says, |
and does, is governed by the realm of death. There is no |
escaping this condition outside of Jesus Christ. |
Death is indeed a spiritual condition; a state of being. It is |
natural man's abode. Yet even death is not a static thing. The |
Bible uses the term "corruption" to refer to the working of |
death. Death is a continual spiral downward, away from God, |
and into darkness. It is a rotting, disintergrating, condition. |
Now, all of that sounds morbid and depressing. And |
it certainly should. Death is a condition which is the antithesis |
of everything found in Jesus Christ. If we could see death |
for what it really is, it would certainly terrify us. We would |
realize what an awful thing Jesus Christ experienced on our |
behalf. |
When Jesus died on the Cross, He was not merely |
satisfying a legal requirement. The legal demands of God's |
perfect justice are one thing. But satisfying the legal demands |
of God's law does not do anything to set a person free from |
sin. Neither does it undo death. Sin itself had to be removed. |
Death itself had to be conquered. |
It is important to understand this. Most people think Jesus |
died to merely provide God with a legal right to lift from us |
the "punishment" of death. We say Jesus bore our punish- |
ment so that God could lift that punishment from us. But that |
is error. Rather than bear our "punishment," Jesus bore our SIN. |
He was the Lamb of God who came to take away the SIN -- not |
the "punishment" -- of the world. |
Jesus' death on the Cross was more than just a "legal" |
act. His death had an experential impact on all creation. |
Jesus literally BECAME sin on the Cross, OUR sin. (see II |
Cor. 5:21) He took upon Himself the broken old creation and |
bore it in Himself. But not merely in some "legal" fashion. He |
became sin supernaturally. And it actually killed Him. |
The wonderful thing is that three days later He rose from |
the dead. Yet do we fully grasp what that means? The Bible |
tells us that He rose to NEWNESS of life. In other words, |
everything that died in Jesus was left dead! The old stayed |
dead. Yet Jesus rose a new creation with a new kind of life. |
The victory of the resurrection is over death itself. Despite |
tasting every aspect of our death for us, Jesus could not be |
held by it. Death -- all of it -- took it's best shot, and lost. There |
was nothing it could claim in the Lamb without blemish. Thus, |
death IS conquered. And because we are planted in Jesus' |
death and resurrection, His victory is ours. We need only believe. |