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Discerning God's Will

by David A. DePra

     How can I know the will of God? How can I know His mind?
And how can I be sure of His leading? These are all questions
which need to be answered, for they greatly affect the everyday
life of the Christian. And thankfully, the Bible answers all of them.
     There are several passages of scripture which answer the
above three questions directly. First, how can I know the will of
Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable
to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed
to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and
perfect will of God. (Rom. 12:1-2)
     How can I know the will of God? Present my body as a living
sacrifice. In other words, I come to know the will of God by
unconditionally surrendering to Him. This surrender will result in
a heart attitude able to discern the will of God for myself in
specific situations.
     Jesus agreed. He said, "If any man wills to do His will, he will
KNOW..." (John 7:17) Jesus clearly says that the prerequisite for
knowing the will of God is to surrender to God. If I am
unconditionally commmited to doing God's will, then I will have
the heart attitude necessary for knowing it.
     Most of us have this backwards. We think the way we know
the will of God is if God TELLS us. Then, we think, we can
surrender to it. Thus, many Christians frustrate themselves trying
to force God to tell them things; to "lead" them in their walk. All
the while God is saying, "It pleases Me that you want to know My
will. In fact, I want you to know My will more than YOU want to
know it. But it will not profit you if I simply TELL you My will.
What you need is more than information or direction. You need
to BECOME My will -- through surrender. Then, knowing My
will shall be natural for you."
     Knowing the will of God is supposed to be a natural
by-product of knowing God Himself. It is supposed to be a
natural part of what it means to grow in Jesus Christ. But being
human as we are, we like short-cuts. We'd like God to by-pass
all of that and just hand us information and direction. Then, we
reason, we could obey. But the Truth is, we would NOT obey. If
God actually told us His will, rather than require us to BECOME
His will, we'd eventually develope a self-centered Christian walk.
Whenever God's will clashed with ours, we'd say it wasn't His
voice. And we'd never grasp the real essense of God's
     There is no question about this. Some Christians today are
doing this very thing. They insist that God lead them specifically
and overtly in every decision. They pray for what amounts to
signs and wonders from God -- calling these "leadings." But if
the will of God includes a Cross, something which would cause
them to BECOME His will, well, then it's not God.
     God knows our flesh and our tendency to preserve ourselves.
That is why He often will not tell us what we want to know. He
wants US. And if we will surrender to Him, then we'll grow to
truly know the will of God, because we'll know God Himself.
The Mind of Christ
     Second, how can I know the mind of God? Paul writes:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything through prayer and
supplication make your requests known to God. And the
peace of God, which passes understanding, will keep your
hearts and minds in Jesus Christ. (Phil. 4:6-7)
Paul also writes, "We HAVE the mind of Christ."
     The clear indication of these verses is that rather than ask
God to speak to us His mind, we already HAVE the mind of
Christ. As new creatures in Christ Jesus, we possess --
potentially -- the ability to views things the way Christ does.
     The mind of Christ in us is ours automatically through the new
birth. But just as the mind of a physical baby must grow and
develope, so does that of a babe in Christ. The mind of Christ in
us will grow to see things as God sees them if -- again -- we
surrender to Him.
     Instead of constantly needing God to speak some sentence of
instruction to us in our head, we already HAVE the mind of
Christ. As we pray and surrender ourselves to God, He will keep
our hearts and minds in Jesus Christ. We will, as a by-product
of surrender, develope the mind of Christ, the true knowledge of
God, and as a result, a specific sense of knowing His will for us.
     This doesn't mean that everything we think is what Christ
thinks. It doesn't mean that everything we feel is what Christ
feels. It means that through surrender to God, there will come a
growing knowledge of God. And if we know God, we will
certainly know how He views things. We'll know His will.
Being Sure of His Leading?
     The third question is: How can I be sure of God's leading?
The uncomfortable answer to this question is that we CAN'T
always be sure. What? How can that be true?
     This statement is true, not because there is some failure on
the part of God to be faithful to us, but because of the nature of
our spiritual walk. Christianity is a walk by faith, and not by sight.
This means that we are most often going to have to walk with
God NOT knowing His specific will. But we'll have to trust Him
anyways. Things will become clear in time.
     This might seem strange to some. But it is the Truth. We
often say, "God, if You will just tell me Your will, I'll follow." God
says, "My will is silence. I will not tell you anything. Will you
surrender to that? Will you stand by faith in My silence?"
Standing by Faith
     Spiritual growth is the result of standing in the Truth by faith,
and refusing to be moved by that which contradicts it. This
"stand" will involve many moral choices, both inward and
outward. We must choose to surrender to God and to keep
surrendered. We must choose to obey God. We must choose to
believe God -- regardless of personal cost. And, if necessary,
we must do all of this despite the absolute silence of God.
     Two things happen if we stand by faith regardless of cost.
First, we'll be reduced and depleted of our own strength. In other
words, we'll die. But secondly, we'll grow in the grace and
knowledge of Jesus Christ. And out of that knowledge of God
will come a growing sense and discernment of His will.
     Can we see how impossible growth would be if everytime we
wanted God to tell us something, or lead us, He just handed us
the information? We would never need real faith -- the kind of
faith which will make manifest the death and resurrection of
Christ in us. We'd have lots of information and leadings, but God
would not have US.
     Not only is God sometimes silent to us when we ask Him to
lead us, but sometimes He even allows CONTRADICTION to
come to our faith. He may allow fear, condemnation, defeat, and
unbelief to take their best shot at us -- all the while He remains
silent. He says, "I'm not going to speak to you about this. It's
time to move on to something greater."
Knowing God
     In the final analysis, we grow to know the will of God by
becoming the will of God. This process is the result of a
continual stand by faith; a continual surrender of myself to God.
God offers us no other path.
     God can and does speak to His people today. And while we
cannot create a pattern for God to lead us, neither can we restrict
Him. God does what He pleases in His eternal wisdom.
     The Bible, however, is clear as to the normal way in which
God leads people. The book of Hebrews perhaps sums it up
Many were the forms and fashions in which God spoke of
old to our fathers by the prophets. But in these last days
at the end He has spoken to us by a Son -- a Son whom
He appointed heir of hte universe, as it was by Him that He
created the world. He, reflecting God's bright glory, and
stamped with God's own character, sustains the universe
with His word of power. (Heb. 1:1-3)
     If we want to know the will God we need to grow to know
Jesus Christ. Through that intimate knowledge of the Son, we
become equipped to discern God's will for us in each situation,
even if His will is merely that we stand to the death by faith, that
we might live in Him.

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