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To find out what? |
by David A. DePra |
Examine yourself, whether ye be in the faith. |
God tells us to "examine ourselves." But what exactly does He |
mean by that? And how do we "examine ourselves?" |
These questions are important, because for many Christians, |
self-examination is the PROBLEM, not the solution. We DO |
examine ourselves, but we do it to the point where we become |
obsessed with our spiritual condition. Some of us even become |
depressed and discouraged from this self-scrutiny. |
Actually, unless you are completely deceived by your own |
sense of self-righteousness, you won't come up with much that |
is good if you examine yourself. What can we point to that is |
good, or of any merit? Our obedience? Our works? Nope. God |
already tells us that these provide us with NO merit. Ok. So |
what are we left with? Our sins, failures, and personality flaws. |
And being left with those doesn't provide much comfort. |
Do you see where self-examination really leads us -- if we |
do it with an open and honest heart? It leads us to a dead-end. |
It leads us to a place where we see we don't have what we need |
and have no where to get it. It makes us to realize that we are |
nothing; spiritually bankrupt. In other words, it leads us to |
exactly the place God wants us! |
Self-examination in the light of God's holiness can bring us |
to no conclusion but that we are nothing save the grace of God. |
It can leave us with no possibility of escape, except for |
resurrection in Christ. And that IS where God wants us to be. He |
wants us to realize our utter helplessness and reliance upon Him. |
Only then will we stop trying to be something we are not, and |
begin believing and resting in Jesus Christ. |
Actually, this becomes clear once we read the entire passage |
which tells us to "examine ourselves." It says, "Examine |
yourselves, to see if you are holding to --- WHAT? Good |
works? No. Wonderful spiritual character? Going to church? |
No. Serving? No. Bible study? No. All of those are good |
things. But notice WHY God tells us to "examine ourselves." He |
says, "Examine yourselves, to see if you are holding to the |
Let's read the entire passage: |
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith. Prove |
your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how |
that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? |
(II Cor. 13:5) |
Do we realize what we are being told here? God is telling us |
to examine ourselves, NOT to see whether WE are righteous, but |
to see whether our faith is in He who is righteous. We are NOT |
to examine our works, or our spiritual condition, to see if WE |
measure up. No. No. No. We are to examine ourselves to see |
whether we are in the faith -- that is -- to see whether we are |
putting all of that aside and placing our faith and rest in Jesus |
Christ. |
The Truth here is fundamental Christianity. But it has been |
smothered with religiousity for two-thousand years. God is |
telling us that our spiritual condition depends NOT upon what we |
do, nor upon what we are. It depends upon foremost upon who |
we trust. The self-examination of which Paul speaks is unto that |
end: Upon WHAT is my confidence before God based? Upon |
my works? Upon my spiritual condition? Or upon Jesus Christ? |
Practical Christianity |
Now, if you are like most of the rest of us, when you read this |
you may say to yourself, "But I already know that. I already know |
that my faith is not to be in myself, but in Jesus Christ." The |
question, however, is not whether you know it as a teaching. The |
real question is whether your faith IS in Jesus Christ, and not in |
yourself. |
There are ways to discover whether your faith is in Christ, |
rather than yourself. So let's look at a few of them, for that is |
what God is telling us to do. To start, ask yourself: How much |
does fear and condemnation govern me? Does fear and |
condemnation govern me when my works aren't too good? Is the |
only time I have rest in Christ when I perform well before the |
Lord? Then my faith is not fully in Christ. It is in my works. My |
works are determining whether I believe I'm right with God. |
Here is another question: Do I feel like I'm a failure, or falling |
apart, when God uses my failures to expose me as "less spiritual" |
than I had hoped? Then my confidence was not based upon |
HIM, but upon how well I thought I was doing. |
There is yet another question to ask, which touches upon one |
of the more subtle areas of unbelief we may have fostered: How |
does it affect me when I do succeed in obeying God? Does it |
make me feel as if God owes me something? Do I feel like God |
has more favor towards me than before? If doing good works |
seems to "increase" my faith, then again, my works are |
determining my faith. My faith may not be fully in Jesus APART |
from my works. |
Can you see a pattern here? If our confidence before God is |
either stablized, or shaken, because of what WE do, then our |
confidence is in what WE do. It is not in what HE HAS DONE. |
Then we are not holding to faith in Jesus Christ the way God |
intends. |
The Truth is, if I really am resting in Christ, then NOTHING I do |
is going to affect my faith. Does that seem incredible? To most |
of us, it may, for we have been trained to think in opposite terms. |
But it is nevertheless the Truth. The message of the gospel is |
that nothing I do changes the fact that "It is finished." Therefore, |
nothing I do need hurt my faith in that finished work. |
The Real Warfare |
Examining oneself to see if you are "in the faith" is a subject |
closely related to spiritual warfare. How so? Well, we are to |
examine ourselves to see if we are standing by faith. But that is |
exactly the issue at stake in all spiritual warfare: Whether we will |
stand by faith against all that the enemy might bring. |
Notice the key word here: STAND. Again and again we read |
in scripture that our faith is to be a STAND. (Read Ephesians |
6:10-18) We wrestle, not to win ground, but to hold ground. |
And if we will stand and hold that ground, we will actually come |
into possession of it -- in a way that is experiential and real. |
What we see here is that our warfare does not consist of trying |
to win a victory over the Devil. It consists of standing by faith in |
the victory Christ has already won. In other words, instead of |
trying to win a victory, our lives are to be spent operating FROM |
Christ's victory. The goal of the enemy is to get us to move from |
our stand in Christ to a stand upon a substitute. |
Now ask: What is the number one vehicle the enemy uses to |
move from our stand by faith? What does he most often point to |
to show us that the victory isn't really won? Easy. Our sin and |
failures. The enemy simply points to US. He says, "See. You |
wouldn't act like this if Christ had REALLY won the victory. Your |
failures prove He hasn't. YOU must still try to win it." |
Note the subtle deception. The Devil doesn't necessarily |
need to try to get us to overtly sin -- although it is certain he'd |
be pleased with it if we did. Rather, he simply tries to get us to |
shift our confidence from uncondtional faith in Christ over to our |
own performance. And having achieved that goal, he can then |
endlessly torment us with our failures, for we will NEVER be able |
to do enough good works to be perfect. |
Do you see what is going on here? And do you see the ONLY |
solution? The only hope I have of escaping the hopeless cycle of |
trying to "win the victory" is to refuse to be moved from faith in |
Christ's finished victory. I must refuse to allow my faith to be |
either shaken, or exalted, by my performance or spiritual |
condition. I must, as Romans tells us, base my whole faith upon |
the righteousness of God APART from anything I do. (see Rom. |
3:21) My whole focus must be away from myself unto Jesus |
Christ. |
If this seems an impossible task for you to do, then you can |
rejoice in that admission. It IS impossible for you to do. But if |
you will surrender yourself unconditionally to God, God will do a |
work of reduction and depletion which will bring you to that |
place. That will not be easy or enjoyable to the flesh. It will take |
time and progression. But it is Christianity. It is the Cross. And it |
is the only way to real resurrection life in Jesus Christ. |
Faith Produces Works |
Christianity is a life based in faith APART from my own works. |
But it is important that we understand the place of works in the |
Christian life, for from Jesus Himself to Paul, everyone who ever |
preached the real gospel of grace has been accused as being a |
teacher of licence. So how about it? If Christianity is a life of |
faith, then where do works fit in? |
Works, according to the Bible, are to be a product of our faith |
in Christ. They are to be an outgrowth of believing and resting in |
our Lord's finished victory. But how does faith produce works? |
Real faith -- the kind the Bible talks about -- produces |
works because real faith is not mental assent to Truth. It is an |
uncondtional surrender to Truth. Or, to put it another way, if I |
really believe, and am really standing by faith, then I'm going to |
be surrendered to God in a way which will more and more |
motivate me unto good works. |
It is actually a moral impossibility to stand by faith and NOT |
produce good works. That doesn't mean everything I do will be |
perfect just because I believe. It doesn't mean I will immediately |
be free of sin or the flesh in practice. But I will, because of my |
stand by faith, be growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus |
Christ -- unto a life which reflects it. |
Good Works |
We live in a time where values, terms, and understanding is |
being constantly redefined. What used to have a clear meaning |
is now often completely distorted. Such is the age of "relativism." |
Nothing is black and white. Everything is relative. |
This mentality has always afflicted Christianity. Because of |
that, some Bible terms have come to be somewhat redefined |
from God's original meaning. They no longer mean what God |
intended. |
One term which the Bible uses is "good works." What does |
that term mean? Most of us would probably define "good works" |
as "morally upright deeds." Or perhaps we'd say, "keeping the |
ten commandments." We would not be wrong. But because we |
don't go far enough with our definition, we could in time limit the |
meaning of "good works," or, in fact, completely redefine it. |
According to the Bible, "good works" are only "good" in the |
eyes of God if they are a product of faith. Conversely, if my |
works are not of faith, then it does not matter if they appear |
"good." In the eyes of God, they really aren't. They are of |
unbelief: "Whatever is not of faith is sin." |
Notice that closely. Real good works are those I do because I |
believe. False good works are those I perform because I don't |
believe. |
We see here that the real quality of works are determined, not |
by the action they perform, but by the motivation behind them. |
In other words, it is more important WHY I do than it is WHAT I |
do. |
But wait. How could a person do "good" works in unbelief? |
Easy. We do them all the time. Anytime I do good works |
because I think it will win me God's favor, or to appease His |
wrath, I am doing them because I don't believe the Truth. I am |
still trying to manipulate God through my works. I don't believe |
that I have uncondtional forgiveness and access to God through |
Jesus Christ APART from anything I do. That is legalism. |
Clearly, the way God defines good and bad works differs from |
the way we might define them. We usually define works based |
on whether they meet a certain outward standard. But God |
defines works based on whether they are "of faith." Good works |
are motivated by faith. Bad works are not. The outward action, |
and the outward results of our works, are secondary. |
Faith Is Rest |
God wants us to do good works. But He does not want us to |
do them because we don't believe. He wants us to do them |
because we do. We see this Truth expressed in one of the |
dominating characteristics of faith: REST. Faith is REST, |
not from good works -- but from trying to earn BY MY WORKS |
what God has freely given me by His grace. |
Herein is the fundamental point: We are to do good works. |
Lots of them. We are to stop doing bad works. But we are not to |
work to EARN anything. We are to believe it is already freely |
given to us. And because we believe that, it should motivate us |
unto good works all the more! |
There are a couple of ways to illustrate this Truth. For |
instance, most of us have to work for a living. We must perform a |
task for a wage. If we don't work, we don't get paid. This means |
that no matter how much we enjoy our work, our underlying |
motivation is the wage we earn. We need it to live. |
Now envision yourself inheriting so much money that you no |
longer need to work. Would you still work? If you would, your |
motivation for working will have changed. No longer will you be |
working because you have to. You will work because you want |
to. You will be at rest from all the pressure which comes with |
being dependent upon your job. |
It is like this spiritually. In Christ, we have freely inherited all |
things. There is nothing left for us to work for. We are free from |
the responsibility of earning anything from God through our good |
works. But that doesn't mean we don't DO them. On the |
contrary, we do them all the more. Why? Because we believe! |
Because we love! Because Christ is in us! Good works cannot |
help but flow from our union with Christ. |
The ONLY means by which we can do God's will, indeed, |
BECOME His will, is through the solid foundation of faith in |
Jesus Christ. Unless that foundation is there, then what we build |
on top of it will be flawed. Thus, rather than promote licence, |
faith in the real gospel of grace is really the very means by which |
good works are "really" good in the eyes of God. |
Are We In the Faith? |
All of these points are part of self-examination. We are to |
examine ourselves to make sure that we are believing and resting |
in Jesus Christ. We are to determine, not whether we are perfect, |
but whether we are allowing our imperfections to be swallowed |
up in His death and resurrection. We are to "examine ourselves" |
to allow God to show us whether we are standing in the faith. |
For, as Paul concludes, without Jesus, we would be reprobates. |
We have nothing of ourselves. He is our only hope. |