Proclamations of
Faith  |
by David A. DePra |
Regarding Discernment and Emotions:
The way I feel about something is not
necessarily the way God |
feels about it. God has no bias, no
selfishness, and no agenda |
except love. And He is never deceived by
His emotions. |
Emotions are great liars. They cannot be
trusted to indicate to us |
the will of God. |
It takes time to learn how to divorce
emotional reactions from the |
leadings of the Holy Spirit. |
Emotional reactions are usually tied
directly to our will. Spiritual |
maturity results in being able to choose
what is right despite |
wrong emotional reactions. |
Even when my emotions reflect the Truth,
they are not to be used |
as the criteria for Truth. |
God does not make emotions go away. He
brings them under |
the exposure and control of the Holy
Spirit. |