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Proclamations of Faith
by David A. DePra
Regarding Christian Liberty:
A Christian is to be a slave to no man, but servant to all.
Never say you must submit to any human leadership in order
to be right with God. Submit to God, and you will be right with
every order under Him.
The moment I say that God will not work with me except through
human authority, I am repeating the error of infallibility which has
permeated the church for two thousand years.
Jesus never tells us to merely serve. No. He tells us to BECOME
servants. He is talking about BEING, not merely DOING.
No one can become a servant the way Jesus means it without
dying the way Jesus died.
Christian liberty means what I do cannot disqualify me. But it
also means that what I do cannot qualify me. We often forget
the second part of this Truth.
The moment I believe I can earn anything from God -- by my
works, by my giving, by my faith, or by my righteousness -- I have
forfeited my Christian liberty for something less.
Christian liberty is only practiced if I freely give because I have
freely received.

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