of Faith |
by David A. DePra |
Regarding Obedience: |
It is always easy to yield to what you see and feel, |
especially if you are used to doing so. But by the |
power of the new birth, we have the power to obey |
the unseen. |
If we have died in Christ, we are dead to sin. But this |
does not mean it is impossible for us to sin. It means |
that we no longer have to sin. The choice as to |
whether to do so is ultimately ours. |
God isn't necessarily going to make us feel like |
obeying Him. All of the forces to which we have |
yielded in disobedience may still be operating. But |
if we are in Christ, we are dead to them. They have |
no power over us except that which we freely give |
through our unbelief. |
The two fundamental reasons why we don't live as |
if we are free from sin are these: We don't believe |
we are free, or we don't want to surrender the sin. |