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Our Vision of Jesus Christ

by David A. DePra

     What would it have been like to walk with Jesus? That is,
when He was on earth as a man? What would it have been
like to be in the presence of a perfect human being; someone
who never once sinned? Imagine it. Never once did Jesus
utter a sinful word. Never once did He express anything less
than a Godly attitude. Even when He became angry He did it
in the spirit of love. From the time He was born until the time
He ascended, He did all things according to the will of God.
What kind of impact would being with someone like that have
on me?
     Of course, we get a pretty good idea of what kind of impact
Jesus had on those around Him by reading the gospels and
epistles. He had such an impact that most all who walked
with Him for those three and one-half years were willing to die
for Him. But we see other things too. For instance, time and
time and time again the disciples simply could not grasp the
teachings of Jesus. They could not understand many things
He did and said. This should not be surprising, for again, we
are dealing here with perfection in human form. It would be
difficult to alway have a point of reference for what He was
trying to say.
     It is a testimony to the love of God that despite that fact
that Jesus was perfect, and we are so imperfect, that He was
able to lower Himself to reveal to us that portion of Truth which
God ordained to reveal to us in this age. Of course there is
certainly much more which God has kept hidden from us. But
that is ok. It isn't for us now. We have what we need.
     The disciples had difficultly, as do we, understanding some
of the things which Jesus said and did. He simply did not
agree with their idea of what a Messiah would do. Yet there
was something about Him which made Him irresistable to them.
Somehow, deep down inside, they knew. It was only at the
end of His ministry that Peter declared, "Thou art the Christ,
Son of the living God."
     Contrast the reactions of the disciples to those of the
scribes and Pharisees. Here was God personified in their
midst, the One for whom they had long waited. Not only did
they reject Him as the Messiah, and constantly come against
Him, they wound up calling Him a devil.
     If there is one thing which all of this proves it is this: Our
moral and spiritual condition determines what we see when we
look at Jesus. Our heart attitude determines what we hear.
Jesus never changes. He was the same Person to those who
hated Him as He was to those who followed Him. It was the
condition of those who met Him that determined how they
responded to the visitation of God to them.

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