of Faith by David A. DePra |
On Suffering: |
According to the Bible, if we are going to reign with |
Christ, we must suffer with Him. That means that instead |
of indicating that something is wrong, suffering may |
indicate that everything is right. |
Suffering is not a "maybe" for a Christian. Peter says |
we are "called" to suffer. |
Suffering is the result of two worlds clashing within me. |
I cannot prevent the clashing. But I can choose between |
the worlds: God or the flesh. |
If I use my suffering as a means to exalt myself as |
highly spiritual, then I am manifesting the exact |
opposite of why God allowed it in the first place. |
The purpose of suffering is to conform us to Christ. But |
this means reduction, depletion, and the loss of |
self-ownership. |
Overcoming never means to overcome suffering by |
escaping it. Overcoming means to overcome suffering |
by standing by faith in it. |
If I stand by faith, I will suffer for it. |