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The Broken Heart of God
by David A. DePra
     There is nothing which breaks the heart more than seeing
someone you love suffer. This is especially true if there is nothing
you can do to alleviate the suffering. Such situations are enough
to break your heart.
     There are other things which break the heart. Shattered hopes
and dreams do it. To have hoped for something, and seen the
hope lost, always breaks the heart. To have wanted a certain
dream, only to see it needlessly ruined, likewise can be cause
for a broken heart.
    All of us have had our hearts broken at one time or another.
But how often have we, as Christians, realized that God had a
broken heart?
     How? Well, consider. God is the most sensitive being in
existance. He is more sensitive to sin, and to wrong, than any of
us could imagine. He is also love personfied. Thus, when that
which God loves suffers needlessly, or destroys itself, God
hurts over it. It breaks His heart.
     Imagine how God felt when Adam sinned. We catch a glimse
of how He felt if we read His response after the sin. God came
seeking out Adam and said, "Adam, where art thou?" In other
words, Adam, what have you done to yourself? Why have you
turned your back on the fellowship we had? Why have you
walked away from the only Source of Life you have?"
     We likewise see how Jesus grieved when those He loved
would not believe. Read His lament over Jerusalem at the end
of Matthew 23. His heart was broken. Those God loved had
rejected Him. Terrible things would come upon them because
of it.
     God's broken heart is seen in the Cross of Christ. There we
see the greatest tragedy ever being played out in the Son of
God. The most beautiful and wonderful creature who ever lived
becomes sin for us. The old creation dies. It was finished.
Of course, God so loved the world that He sent His Son for
us. He worked a redemption, and made a new creation. God
could do something about what His heart was broken over, and
did do something. Something eternal.
     Never think that the fundamental attitude which God has
towards us when we sin is wrath. Never think God is eager or
desires to punish. That is not the God of the Bible. God does
chastise. And He is holy. Futhermore, He is going to have His
will. But His basic attitude towards us when we sin is hurt. It
breaks His heart. It killed His Son. And it hurts those He loves.
     For a Christian, seeing the broken heart of God -- not merely
as a teaching or doctrine -- but really, is important. That is
because we need to be delivered from the legalistic attitude of
obeying God because we are afraid of Him. We need to stop
being motivated by fear. Instead, we are to obey God because
we love Him. Or, to put it another way, we should obey Him
because we don't want to "hurt" Him.
     God's broken heart is as eternal as the Redemption itself.
Now, as those bought with that price, we should never want to do
anything which would minimize what it cost God to redeem us.
We should want to please Him, not only for the benefit that this is
for us, but for the pleasure it gives to the heart of God Himself. *

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